Welcome to Fantasy Guru Pro The protection and security of your personal information is one of's top priorities.

This online Privacy Policy discloses's information practices for this Website and subscriber / membership based services including the type of information being collected, method of collection,and usage. By using this Website you agree to accept the terms of this Privacy Policy as well as the Website's Terms of Use.

By accessing or using this Website you expressly consent to our use and disclosure of your personal information in any manner described in this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy extends to both, users who visit the Website but do not transact business on the Website as well as users who are registered and are authorized by the Website to transact business on the Website.

"Personal Information" refers to any information that identifies or can be used to identify, contact or locate the person, to whom such information pertains including, but not limited to, name, phone number and email address.

PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS OF OUR PRIVACY POLICY PERSONAL INFORMATION THAT MAY BE COLLECTED Fantasy Guru Pro shall collect and store any information that you may provide on our Website. To enable you to become a member or subscriber of our Website we need to have your basic Personal Information. Apart from this, when you visit our website, our server collects your computer's personal information like your IP address. Please note that your IP address does not identify you personally. No use or Services available on this Website are directed towards children.Fantasy Guru Pro does not knowingly collect Personal Information from children or sell its products to children.

USE OF INFORMATION COLLECTED Fantasy Guru Pro owns all the information collected via the Website. As applicable, the information collected by Fantasy Guru Pro shall be used to contact you or inform you about the Website and Website related news and Services available on the Website; monitor and improve the Website; calculate the number of visitors to the Website and to know the geographical locations of the visitors; update you on all the special offers available on the Website and provide you with a better shopping experience. Please note that when you place an order, some of your Personal Information will be passed on to some like courier companies, credit card processing companies, vendors etc. to enable them and Fantasy Guru Pro to perform their duties and fulfill your order requirements.

Fantasy Guru Pro does not allow any unauthorized persons or organization to use any information that Fantasy Guru Pro may collect from you through this Website. In the event Fantasy Guru Pro is required to respond to subpoenas, court orders or other legal process, your Personal Information may be disclosed pursuant to such subpoenas, court order or legal process, which may be without notice to you. Cookies are small pieces of information saved by your browser onto your computer. Cookies are used to record various aspects of your visit and assist Fantasy Guru Pro to provide you with uninterrupted service. Fantasy Guru Pro does not use cookies to save Personal Information for outside uses. Please note that once you leave our Website you will be subjected to the Privacy Policy of the other website and this Privacy Policy will no longer apply. BY USING THIS WEBSITE, YOU SIGNIFY YOUR AGREEMENT TO THE TERMS OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY, Fantasy Guru Pro, RESERVES THE RIGHT, IN OUR SOLE DISCRETION, TO CHANGE, MODIFY, ADD OR DELETE PORTIONS OF THE TERMS OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY AT ANY TIME. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please feel free to Contact Us through our Website.
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